Patient Experience Feedback
Compliments and concerns are a valuable way of understanding the community’s views of their experience with Algoma District Paramedic Services.
We aim to provide a high quality service to our patients and the public so it is important that we continually request feedback from our patients so that we may improve upon our service.
We welcome all feedback, whether it is to say ‘thank you’ for a positive experience, or when you feel that we could have done better.
If you have feedback to offer, please contact us:
- By phone, please call 1-888-326-3133, Ext 234 to speak with the Chief of Algoma District Paramedic Services
- By e-mail, please send your message to jpulve@adsab.on.ca
- In person, please visit us at any of the following ADSAB offices where further arrangements can be made to meet and discuss your feedback .
- 15 Hanes Ave, Blind River
- 2 Elizabeth Walk, Elliot Lake
- 135 Dawson St, Thessalon
- 50 Broadway Ave, Wawa
All concerns will be looked into and a response provided. Please note that Algoma District Paramedic Services does not accept anonymous complaints.
Privacy Statement
Algoma District Paramedic Services Information Practices
Protecting your Personal Health Information is important to ADSAB.
Algoma District Paramedic Services Unit provides emergency pre-hospital medical services and transportation to the ill and injured in Algoma District. In order to provide these services and ensure that you receive proper care, Algoma District Paramedic Services’ paramedics need to ask you for certain personal health information.
As an individual who uses our services, you have the right to know how we collect, use, maintain and disclose personal health information. You have a right to expect that, to the best or our ability, the personal health information held by us remains accurate, confidential and secure.
Privacy of your Personal Health Information
Algoma District Paramedic Services is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of personal health information and has a number of practices in place to protect the privacy of your personal health information. For example, your health information that is collected by our Paramedics is maintained in a secured file at our Algoma District Paramedic Services Administration office in a location that has restricted access. Only those who are directly involved in your care and service or those who have a legal right to see your records are permitted access to your personal health information.
Previously, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (MFIPPA) protected all personal information collected by the Algoma District Paramedic Services unit. The Government of Ontario has enacted new privacy legislation for all health care providers in the province that took effect November 1, 2004. This legislation, called the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) requires that strict rules be followed to protect the personal health information collected, used and/or disclosed by a ‘health information custodian’. Algoma District Paramedic Services Unit is considered a ‘health information custodian’ under this legislation. As such, we have taken additional steps to further protect your personal health information.
Collection and Use
Algoma District Paramedic Services collects, uses, discloses and maintains facts about you and your health. These facts are collected to help provide you with care and service by Paramedics and the health care system or to process payments for health related services. They include:
- your name, address and Ontario Health Care number
- facts about your health, health care history and the health care that you have been provided
Non-identifying information related to your care and service is used for administration, management, strategic planning, decision-making, research and quality of care reviews with staff and for regulatory compliance requirements.
Access and Disclosure
You have the right to request access to your personal health information and to receive a copy of your personal health care records subject to limited exceptions as set out in PHIPA. You also have the right to ask us to correct a record if it is inaccurate.
Your personal health information is private. Unless Algoma District Paramedic Services is required to disclose your personal health information for law enforcement purposes, or is specifically authorized to share your health information with others, we cannot and will not give out any of your personal health information without your consent. If you provide consent to let a family member or your legal representative see your personal health information, then the family member or legal representative may be allowed access to the part(s) of the personal health record that you have consented for them to see. You also have the right to withdraw or change the conditions of your consent subject to certain conditions as set out in PHIPA. If you have any questions about access, please contact the ADSAB at (705)842-3370.
Do you need additional information or do you have any questions?
If you would like to know more about how your personal health information is collected, used, maintained and disclosed, or if you have a concern or a complaint about access to your personal health information, please contact the Privacy Co-ordinator as noted above. You also have the right to speak with the Information and Privacy Commissioner if you wish further clarification after speaking with our representative.
Algoma District Paramedic Services accepts no responsibility for the content on external sites linked from this page. The links are provided “as is” with no warranty, express or implied, for the information provided within them. Algoma District Paramedic Services does not endorse any one company or product and includes links to relevant external sites for convenience to visitors.”
Paramedic Associations
- Paramedic Association of Canada
- The Ontario Paramedic Association
- Durham Paramedic Association
- Greater Sudbury Paramedic Association
- Muskoka Paramedic Association
- Professional Paramedic Association of Ottawa
- Peel Paramedic Association
- Simcoe County Paramedic Association
- Toronto Paramedic Association
- Paramedic Association of New Brunswick
- Paramedic Association of Manitoba
- Alberta College of Paramedics
Government/Municipal EMS Information
Ontario EMS Links
- County of Brant Ambulance Service
- Durham Region EMS
- County of Essex Land Ambulance
- Halton Region EMS
- Hamilton Emergency Services
- Lanark County Ambulance Service
- Muskoka Ambulance Service
- Niagara EMS
- District of Nipissing EMS
- Owen Sound Fire & Emergency Services
- Oxford County Ambulance Service
- Peterborough EMS
- County of Simcoe Paramedic Services
- Superior North EMS
- Thames EMS
- Toronto EMS
- Waterloo Region EMS
- York Region EMS
Ontario Air Ambulance/Flight Paramedic Links
Injury Prevention Links
Traumatic Stress Awareness Links
Charities and Non-Profit Organizations Founded by Paramedics
Miscellaneous EMS & Paramedic Related Websites
- Lambton Paramedic Association
- Haldimand-Norfolk Paramedic Association
- Canadian Red Cross
- St. John Ambulance
- Heart and Stroke Foundation
- www.paramediclife.com
- EMS Live Online Radio
- Paramedic News Network
- Dr. Bryan Bledsoe (USA)
- FlightWeb
- Air Ambulance Network
- EmergencyServices.ca
- Canadian Emergency News
- Paramedic Network News
- Journal of Emergency News
- EMS Village
- Merginet.com
- Journal of Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
- Emergency Medical Services Magazine
- Big Medicine
Paramedic Education Websites
- The Michener Institute (Toronto, ON)
- Canadian College of EMS (Edmonton, AB)
- Holland College (Charlottetown, PEI)
- Heart and Stroke Foundation – Professional Education (Canada)
- Basic Trauma Life Support (International)
- Charles Sturt University (New South Wales, Australia)
- CTS-Canadian Career College