


Housing Services

A person’s quality of life is highly improved when they have safe and affordable housing. This is a key determinant of an individual’s overall health.

Whether a person requires a place to call home or requires financial assistance to remain in their current rental accommodation, we have programs that may suit your needs.

Non-Profit Housing

These are RGI units dispersed within the Algoma District owned and operated by community based organizations. Communities with Non-Profit units are: White River, Wawa, Richard’s Landing, Thessalon, Blind River and Elliot Lake.

Affordable Housing Program

Within the Algoma District there are 2 apartment buildings each with 10 units in Echo Bay, 1 apartment building with 10 units in Dubreuilville, 10 semi-detached family homes in Elliot Lake, 1 apartment building with 10 units in Wawa, 1 apartment building with 12 units in Richard’s Landing and 1 apartment building with 33 units in Thessalon which are owned by ADSAB and offer affordable market rents.

Public Housing

ADSAB owns and manages rent-geared-to-income (RGI) units in 10 municipalities within the Algoma District. RGI means that monthly rent is determined by a calculating 30% of the household’s total monthly gross income.

Other Subsidies

ADSAB has a variety of subsidy programs to subsidize tenants who wish to remain in a unit privately owned by a landlord. Availability of these subsidies are dependent upon funding and eligibility.


Public Housing and Non Profit Housing Corporations

RGI subsidy is financial assistance provided to eligible households under legislated eligibility requirements to reduce the amount the household must pay to occupy a unit in a housing project.

RGI assistance is 30% of a household’s monthly Adjusted Family Net Income (AFNI). The AFNI is determined annually using each household member’s Notice of Assessment (NOA). If the household is receiving assistance from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program your rent is calculated according to the social assistance rent scale. Additional charges may apply such as such as utilities, parking, laundry, etc.

How to Apply: Complete a Housing Services Application

The application process can be started by printing the application online or picking up a hard copy at one of our area offices. Please ensure copies of all relevant documents are provided with the completed and signed application.

ADSAB’s area offices:

  • 2 Elizabeth Walk, Elliot Lake
  • 15 Hanes Ave, Blind River
  • 135 Dawson Street, Suite 201, Thessalon
  • 50 Broadway Ave., Wawa

Upon receipt of your application, eligibly will be determined and you will receive a letter advising you have been placed on the ADSAB centralized waitlist for the units/areas you have been deemed eligible or you will receive a letter advising you are ineligible with the reason why.


To be eligible for Social Housing you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • At least one member of the household is 18 years of age or older and/or meet the age requirement for the building;
  • You able to live independently with or without support services;
  • Each member of the household must meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • Is a Canadian citizen,
    • Has made an application for status as permanent resident under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, (Canada), or
    • Has made a claim for refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), and;
  • You must file your annual income tax return;
  • Your income is within the allowable limits for the largest size unit you are eligible for;
Bach/1 bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4+ Bedrooms
34,000 40,500 45,000 59,500
  • Your assets are within the allowable limit of $100,000. Some assets are not considered. These include personal items such as clothing, furniture, vehicles, RRSPs, Retirement Income Funds, Life Income Funds, life annuities, and assets as a result of pain and suffering awards.
  • You or any member of the household do not owe arrears with respect to a previous tenancy in any housing program throughout the province of Ontario, and;
  • You or any member of the household have not been convicted of an offence in relation to rent-geared-to-income assistance by a court of law of the Landlord and Tenant Board.

NOTE:  an individual is able to live independently if he or she can carry out the normal essential activities of day-to-day living, either on his or her own or with the aid of support services that the individual requires.

 Priority and Unit Selection:

Households are prioritized chronologically by date placed on the waitlist with priority given to the following:

  • Special priority for victims of abuse or trafficking
  • Homeless Priority Status
  • Medical Priority Status
  • Internal Transfers

Once your name becomes first on the centralized waitlist and a unit becomes available, you will be contacted for an offer of a unit. You will only receive one offer; if you refuse you will go to the bottom of the waitlist.


The Affordable Housing Program (AHP) offers affordable rental housing for households that are on, or eligible to be on, social housing waitlist. Rents are at or below 80% of CMHC Average Market Rent (AMR).

How to Apply: Complete a Housing Services Application

The application process can be started by printing the application online or picking up a hard copy at one of our area offices. Please ensure copies of all relevant documents are provided with the completed and signed application.


To be eligible for the Affordable Housing Program:

  • You must meet the buildings age requirements;
  • Be eligible to be on the Social Housing Waitlist;
  • Your household income must be below the income limit, if applicable.

NOTE:  an individual is able to live independently if he or she can carry out the normal essential activities of day-to-day living, either on his or her own or with the aid of support services that the individual requires.

Priority and Unit Selection:

Households are prioritized chronologically by date placed on the waitlist.

Once your name becomes first on the centralized waitlist and a unit becomes available, you will be contacted for an offer of a unit. You will only receive one offer, if you refuse you will go to the bottom of the waitlist.


The Algoma Housing Subsidy (AHS) offers financial assistance in the form of a portable subsidy to eligible low to middle-income households living in Algoma.  Households must secure a private, non-subsidized rental unit within ADSAB’s service area and meet AHS eligibility criteria in order receive the subsidy. The AHS is a combination of the Commercial Rent Supplement, Homelessness Prevention Program and the Investments in Affordable Housing funding allocations.

How to Apply: Complete a Housing Services Application

The application process can be started by printing the application online or picking up a hard copy at one of our area offices. Please ensure copies of all relevant documents are provided with the completed and signed application.


  • All household members with income must file an income tax return and provide ADSAB the Notice of Assessment (NOA) from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
  • A household ceases to be eligible if income tax returns are not filed annually.
  • A household is only eligible if their rental accommodation is within the ADSAB’s service area.
  • A household cannot be in receipt of an RGI, COHB or any other agency or government funded housing benefit while also in receipt of AHS.
  • Households living in ADSAB’s Affordable Housing or Market Rent units do not qualify for AHS (subject to management approval) however; these households may apply for the provincial COHB program.

Priority and Unit Selection:

Households are prioritized chronologically by date placed on the waitlist with priority given to the following:

  • Special priority for victims of abuse or trafficking
  • Homeless Priority Status

When there is funding available and once your name becomes first on the centralized waitlist, you will be offered a subsidy.


COHB is a federal-provincial portable housing benefit delivered by the Province of Ontario where funding is paid directly to low-income households that are on, or eligible to be on, a social housing waiting list, and to households in financial need living in community housing.

The PHB is calculated using 80% of Average Market Rent (AMR) for the Service Manager (Algoma District Services Administration Board (ADSAB)) area and 30% of the Adjusted Family Net Income (AFNI) for the household.

Social assistance recipients have a separate maximum benefit calculation to avoid a reduction in social assistance entitlements after receiving the COHB

ADSAB identifies and selects eligible households and assists with the application submission to the Ministry of Finance (MOF).

Households may also receive first and last month’s rent assistance as required.

How to Apply: 2 Step Process

  1. Complete a Housing Services Application;

The application process can be started by printing the application online or picking up a hard copy at one of our area offices. Please ensure copies of all relevant documents are provided with the completed and signed application.

  1. COHB application

You will be contacted when COHB funds are available and provided information and assistance to complete and submit the application. The COHB application can be completed online or printed paper application.


Reside permanently in Ontario


  • A Canadian citizen
  • A permanent resident
  • Has made an applicant for status as a permanent immigrant under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or
  • Has made a claim for refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) and no removal order has become enforceable under the Act against the member.
  • Be on a social housing waiting list or eligible to be on such a waiting list or living community housing.

Priority and Unit Selection:

Priority 1st Group:  All applicants in the first group have the same priority, in chronical order.

Survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, persons experiencing or at-risk of homelessness, indigenous persons, seniors; and people with disabilities.

Priority 2nd  Group: All applicants in the second group have the same priority, in chronical order.

Households living in community housing that are not receiving affordability support (e.g., rent supplements, housing allowances); and households no longer receiving financial assistance as a result of expiring federal-provincial programs or social housing operating agreements/mortgages

When there is funding available and once your name becomes first on the centralized waitlist, you will be contacted to complete the COHB application.



Apply directly with the Makawa Native Non Profit Homes

To request an application contact:

Property Manager Stefan Shynkorenko

42 Tamarack Avenue, PO Box 1940

Wawa, ON, P0S 1K0

705-855-1500 or email: sshynkorenko[@]gmail.com


Apply directly with OAHS

Apply online: Application available on the website


Print a copy of the OAHS Tenant Application.

Email application to Applications[@]oahssc.ca

Contact Housing Services Representatives 1-(866) 391-1061

Algoma Shelter Assistance Program

The Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) aims to prevent, address and reduce homelessness in the ADSAB jurisdiction.   CHPI assists low income individuals and families who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness in obtaining and retaining affordable housing.  CHPI may provide financial assistance with the following:

  • Emergency shelter solutions
  • Utility deposits and hook-up fees when establishing a residence
  • Costs for a move to a new residence due to eviction, fire or flood
  • Replacement of furniture due to fire, flood or pest infestation
  • Energy arrears and disconnection
  • Rental arrears and eviction
  • Emergency repairs to heating vessels, sanitation repairs and maintenance
  • Emergency decluttering and pest/bed bug infestation
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