

Who Can Apply For Housing Services?

Everyone is entitled to completing and submitting an application for housing services, however, only those that qualify will be placed on the waitlist. To qualify for social housing you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • At least one member of the household is 18 years of age or older and able to live independently, and;
  • Each member of the household meet at least one of the following criteria:
  • Is a Canadian citizen,
  • Has made an application for status as permanent resident under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, (Canada), or
  • Has made a claim for refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), and;
  • You or any member of the household do not owe arrears with respect to a previous tenancy in any housing program throughout the province of Ontario, and;
  • You or any member of the household have not been convicted of an offence in relation to rent-geared-to-income assistance by a court of law of the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Can I choose the size of unit I want?

You can indicate what type of unit you want to live in, however, the size of unit (number of bedrooms) that you are offered will be determined by the size and composition of your household according to the ADSAB Local Occupancy Standards.

To summarize, the ADSAB Local Occupancy Standards states the largest unit a household may be eligible for is as follows:

  • One bedroom for spouses and same-sex partners
  • One bedroom for each additional member of the household, and
  • One additional bedroom under the following specific circumstances:
  • a spouse requires a separate bedroom due to a disability or medical condition
  • a bedroom is required to store medical equipment
  • a member of the household is pregnant
  • a member has joint custody of a child who needs overnight accommodations
Can I choose where I want to live?

Yes. You must indicate your choice of Housing Services Project locations on the application form in order for your application to be considered complete.
You are able to choose more than one location. Your name will be added to the waitlist for each location  which you are eligible.

How do I apply for rent-geared-to-income (RGI) housing?

An application form must be completed to apply for housing. A copy is available online or by contacting the Algoma District Services Administration Board’s (ADSAB) office between the business hours of 8:30 AM and 4:45 PM.

A completed housing application will be accepted in the following methods:

  • by dropping off the completed application with relevant documentation to one of our area offices, or
  • by faxing the completed applications with relevant documentation at 705-842-3747, or
  • by email
How soon will I know if I am on the waitlist?

Upon receipt of your application, it will be reviewed to  ensure that all required information is included. You will be notified without delay  if you are eligible for geared-to-income assistance, or if additional information is needed for your application. If you are eligible, you will be advised of your placement on the waitlists for the locations you selected, and the number of bedrooms your household qualifies for.

What happens if I have changes to my income and other information while I am waiting for Housing?

It is important that you keep your application up to date in order to remain on the waitlist and maintain your eligibility status. You must report any changes to the information you previously submitted within 30 calendar days of the change taking place or your application may be cancelled and your name removed from the waitlist. To report these changes,  please contact the ADSAB office.

Can I refuse to accept a unit?

You can refuse an offer to move into a unit,  however, if one (1) reasonable offer is refused and there are no extenuating circumstances the household’s application will be removed from the waitlist or placed at the bottom of the waitlist if requested by the applicant

Do I still qualify for RGI if I own my own home?

If you own, or have a legal interest in a residential property that can be lived in year-round, you will be required to sell your interest in the property within six months after you have moved into RGI housing.

Does the ADSAB provide Emergency Housing?

No, ADSAB does not have nor provide Emergency Housing.

How much rent can I expect to pay?

How much rent you can expect to pay depends on the housing location(s) and program(s) you have applied for and determined eligible for. Rent-geared-to-income is based on 30% of your gross monthly income; or if you are receiving social assistance from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program, a rent scale is used to calculate the household rent.

Additional charges may apply such as but not limited to parking fees, laundry fees and/or air conditioner fees.

How long will it take for me to get a unit?

The length of time before a unit becomes available will vary depending on the locations you select on your application. It may take some time due to the small number of vacancies.

I require a special unit due to a disability. How do I apply for one?

Some housing providers have wheelchair accessible units or units which are equipped with certain features (such as no stairs). If you require a special type of unit due to medical reasons, please ensure you indicate this in the appropriate section of the application form. You will be placed on the Waitlist accordingly for the next available special unit.

I am currently involved in an abusive relationship with the person I live with. How will this affect my application for Housing?

If you or a member of your household is currently in an abusive relationship and need to move due to this abuse, you should apply for Special Priority Status. In order to qualify for Special Priority Status, you must complete a Special Priority Program (SPP) Request Form and submit to your nearest ADSAB office.

You are also required to have a professional complete Section E of the SPP request form to verify your situation and attach a record/letter that demonstrates they have reasonable grounds to believe that a member of your household is being, or has been abused.

If you have already separated from the abuser, you must apply for special priority status within three months from the date of separation.

NOTE: Special Priority rent-geared-to-income household member(s) are not required to pursue specified incomes if the pursuit of the income will place the member(s)’s personal safety at risk.

I am a survivor of human trafficking. How will this affect my application for Housing?

If you are a member of your household is a survivor of human trafficking and need to move as a result, you should apply for Special Priority Status. In order to qualify for Special Priority Status, you must complete a Special Priority Program (SPP) Request Form and submit to your nearest ADSAB office.

You are also required to have a professional complete Section E of the SPP request form to verify your situation and attach a record/letter that demonstrates they have reasonable grounds to believe that a member of your household is a survivor of sex trafficking.

If you have already exited trafficking, you must apply for special priority status within three months from the date of exit. If you exited trafficking over three months ago, you will be required to provide supporting information to explain what delayed the submission of your request to us

I live in a unit which is privately owned by my landlord. I don't want to move but I am having difficulty paying my rent. Are there any housing programs to help me?

Yes, ADSAB has a variety of Subsidy programs. Complete a Housing Services Application to be assessed if you qualify. Once funding becomes available, you will be contacted by the ADSAB office.

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